Everyone is crazy about this Pokaran sweet made from cow’s milk, know when it got its recognition

Everyone is crazy about this Pokaran sweet made from cow’s milk, know when it got its recognition

Pokaran (Jaisalmer) : In the year 1974, when Pokhran emerged on the world map due to the nuclear test conducted in Khetolai village of Jaisalmer, in the same year, this region got another special identity, which was its famous sweet Chamcham. This special sweet of Pokhran made a special place in the hearts of the local and outside people and today it has become the identity of Pokhran.

How did Chamcham get recognition?
During the nuclear test in 1974, scientists and army personnel from outside used to roam around the interior areas of Pokhran town. One day, they got a chance to taste a sweet called Chamcham at a shop located at the railway station. They liked this sweet so much that they not only ate it there again and again, but also took it with them in boxes. Gradually, the taste of this sweet became famous all over the country and Pokhran’s Chamcham became famous in different parts of the country.

What is special about Pokhran’s Chamcham?
Chamcham sweets are made in other parts of the country as well, but due to the special climate of Pokaran, its taste is more wonderful than other places. Swaroop Sharma, owner of Shyam Chamcham Wala shop located at Pokaran railway station, says that the work of making this sweet has been going on for three generations of his family. Earlier this sweet used to be white in colour, which was named Chamcham due to its brightness. Now saffron has started being added to it, due to which its colour has become light yellow.

Sharma says, ‘Every traveller who comes to Pokaran considers his trip incomplete without eating this sweet. Local people also like Chamcham the most during festivals’.

President APJ Abdul Kalam also liked it
President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam also visited Pokhran during the nuclear tests in 1974 and 1998. After the tests, he became so fond of this sweet of Pokhran that he took it with him. This sweet has also been mentioned in the film ‘Parmanu: Story of Pokhran’, which increases its popularity even more.

Along with nuclear power, the sweetness of Pokhran also became famous
Chamcham has now become an integral part of the identity of Pokaran. Locals advise tourists who come here to taste Chamcham when they visit Pokaran. Be it a festival or an ordinary day, this sweet is the first choice of the people here on every occasion.

Tags: Food 18, Local18

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